BMW Service Center

16 Jul

New installation in BMW service and detailing center, located at UZBEKISTAN, TASHKENT.

Thank you for big compliment from Uzbek customer, with Leisuwash online support, customer finish the installation for two units Leisuwash 360 car wash by themselves, it’s really amazing work !

Leisuwash 360 unique intergrated air drying system, can fast drying the vehicle within 50 seconds, include vehicle crevices. Leisuwash 360 control the air flow through four cylindrical air outlet, the first outlet split the air to optimize the air speed, makes strong wind arrive to vehicle body at the shortest time. Whether a tall SUV or low body sports car, can achieve effective drying result.

BMW service detailing center

BMW service detailing center

Leisuwash feedback from Uzbekistan

Leisuwash feedback from Uzbekistan

avtomashinalarni yuvish uchun uskunalar

avtomashinalarni yuvish uchun uskunalar

avtomatik kir yuvish mashinasi

avtomatik kir yuvish mashinasi

avtomobil yuvish markazi

avtomobil yuvish markazi

BMW Moyka

BMW Moyka

BMW service center

BMW service center

teginmasdan mashina yuvish

teginmasdan mashina yuvish


Jack Zeng ( International Sales Director )

Hangzhou Leisu Cleaning Equipment Co., Ltd

Do you have any questions about the car washes or the price ?
You are welcome to write an email to [email protected] or you want it to be quick you can also call us on +86-15868499311