EuroLeisuwash 360 Serbia

27 Jul

During the year of 2023, our great partnership Asoler Serbia company is keep establishing new car wash projects for both Leisuwash 360 and DG, here below are some new established car wash lines in Novi Pazar, Subotica, Kula Serbia etc cities.

EuroLeisuWash contactless car wash, SMART 360 washing system.

The cleaning power of the EuroLeisuwash 360 has been taken to a new level with the addition of better chemical coverage of the vehicle with a rounded arch and smart chemical measurement. Combined with your ability to customize services and speeds in endless combinations and to store your favorite or seasonal packages. The cleaning system is a big step forward.

Leisuwash DG + 360 car wash in Novi Pazar, Serbia

Leisuwash DG + 360 car wash in Novi Pazar, Serbia

Leisuwash DG classic model

Leisuwash DG classic model

Leisuwash DG classic version with fixed air dryer

Leisuwash DG classic version with fixed air dryer

EuroLeisuwash 360 project in Kula, Serbia

EuroLeisuwash 360 project in Kula, Serbia

EuroLeisuwash 360 car wash in Kula, Serbia

EuroLeisuwash 360 car wash in Kula, Serbia

One more EuroLeisuwash 360 car wash in Subotica

One more EuroLeisuwash 360 car wash in Subotica

One more EuroLeisuwash 360 in Subotica

One more EuroLeisuwash 360 in Subotica

Two EuroLeisuwash 360 car wash lines in Shell Pristina

Two EuroLeisuwash 360 car wash lines in Shell Pristina

Two EuroLeisuwash 360 car wash lines in Shell Pristina Serbia

Two EuroLeisuwash 360 car wash lines in Shell Pristina Serbia


Jack Zeng ( International Sales Director )

Hangzhou Leisu Cleaning Equipment Co., Ltd

Do you have any questions about the car washes or the price ?
You are welcome to write an email to [email protected] or you want it to be quick you can also call us on +86-15868499311