
- The service and maintenance of Leisuwash system shouldbe done by specialist technician, Cut off power supply when machine under service. Factory setting management code is 8888, it has permissions to modify the parameters, view vehicle wash quantities and change the password. Default password is 0 for operating the wash system, it can be changed to others like 12345, then the operator need enter into management center firstly, type in password 12345 then can start the operation.
- Keep the main control box and touch screen in drying circumstance, it’s not allowed to touch these devices with wet hands, keep chemical mixing box with water pump box at drying circumstanceas well. Before turn on the power supply, make sure the main control box voltage display stability and consistency.
- Service and maintain wash system regularly, regularly cleaning machine surface, remove dirt on sensors, remove water in drive control box. Cleaning water tank when it becoming dirty, especially inlet filter of water pipe. It’s strictly prohibited to start rinse when water tank lack of water, use chassis to exhaust air firstly, never exhaust air with “L “ arm rinse.
- Exhaust water in pipes and tank during car wash equipment idle time, and when temperature under zero degree, must close inlet valve of chemical mixing system before shutdown the machine, use one key drain function to exhaust liquid in machine pipes, and open the discharge valve, exhaustwater to prevent freezing. Don’t start machine once freezing, otherwise will break the water pump and motor.
- Add wash chemicals in-time, it will can not spray out the chemicals if air go inside the hose, prevent impurities fall into washing liquid bucket and water tank, otherwise may cause stuck inside the chemical mixing box.
- Air compressor need to install oil-water separator, exhaust water in compressor every 15 days, the air supply for wash system can not contain a lot of water and oil, otherwise will cause lack of air during chemical spraying, It is strictly forbidden to directly use heavy alkaline water (PH value> 8) or high salty water.
- Check synchronous belts every 30 days, immediately tighten it if happened deviation and loose phenomenon, otherwise machine will jump with grinding noise.
- Check terminals inside Electrical cabinet every 30 days, especially terminals for water pump and air fan power line, and terminals in drive control box ( because it walking every day ), tighten it if any loose. This can ensure a stable performance of electricity system.
- Inspect frame screws and rail fixing screws every 90 days, Check the walking wheels every half year.
- Inspect water pump and pump motor beltevery 30 days, tension belt if belt fluctuate too large, ensure parallelism during belt tensioning.Cleaning water pump filter regularly. Replace oil in water pump regularly( every 5000 cars ), or when the oil is dirty . Oil volume more than half but not full, Taiwan Wuli WH-10120 pump use No 30, 40 or 68 engine oil( 2.36L ), German Pinfl pump use 220 Shell gear oil ( 3.3 L )